Female, 12 weeks. 10 lbs
Female, 12 weeks. 10 lbs
Meet sweet little BLUEBELL. She is a 12-week-old, tri-colored, female border collie with a beautiful soft rough coat, who weighs in at about 10 lbs. Bluebell is a curious and friendly girl. She loves her foster dog friends, big and small. She is also good with the resident cat. Her favorite thing is to wrestle and play with the smaller foster dog in her foster home. She will come when called with sweet kissy voices. She is a smart girl who learns quickly and takes treats softly. Bluebell greets new people well. She may be a little shy at first, but is happy to come over and say hello after a few minutes.
BLUEBELL is a snuggly, sweet girl who will happily cuddle in your lap for a few minutes, then she is off to find a toy. When it’s nap time, she will gladly sleep next to you. She likes to run and play, but will hold back a bit if the big dogs are being rambunctious. She loves her squeaky toys and will play tug. She is learning to potty outside, and doing well with the beginnings of potty training. Like a lot of small puppies, she is still a little anxious in the car and will drool a bit while riding in her crate. She sleeps in her xpen, or in a crate at night and will sleep through the night once she settles.
BLUEBELL is a medium/high energy girl who will play hard for a couple hours, then take a nap. She loves playing in boxes and will jump into her toy box to find her favorite toy, then lay in the box to play with it. Bluebell is going to be a wonderful companion for someone who has experience with the breed and understands the needs of a high energy BC. She will also need mental stimulation as well as physical. This is not the right dog for a first time dog owner or someone who is away from home 8 hours a day. She is special little girl who will win your heart in no time.
BLUEBELL is started on her puppy vaccines, wormed, and microchipped. She is also on flea & tick and heartworm prevention. As a condition of puppy adoption, she will need to be altered when she reaches approximately 6 months (specific time to be determined by your vet). In addition to the adoption fee, puppy adoption requires a $75 spay/neuter deposit. Upon our receiving the spay/neuter certificate from you, the deposit is refunded. If you have an approved Northern California Border Collie Rescue & Adoptions Adoption Application and wish to inquire about BLUEBELL, please email us at
BLUEBELL is being fostered in Folsom in Sacramento County, CA.
Thank you for considering adoption of your next best friend from NCBCRA. Our Border Collies are waiting to join your family.
NCBCRA is always looking for new foster families to provide a lifesaving chance for a Border collie.
NCBCRA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) committed to rescuing Border Collies in Northern California in order to find them their forever homes.
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