Available Dogs
😍 🎓 Rascal Success Story – Adopted 9/13/2020 🎓 😍
From Mom Fran:
“Rascal, adopted September 13, 2020, is still gaining confidence out in the big world. In the beginning, he was so nervous to even leave my front porch. We just kept “practicing” slowly and he is doing so well. We now go on long walks by the river and he loves meeting new people. But his favorite pastime is “PLAY BALL!” I can’t decide if he would do better on a soccer team or baseball team. He is amazing in the air and so true to his breed. He has to be the sweetest dog that I have ever met and I cherish my time with him. I am so thankful to the Northern California Border Collie Rescue and to his foster mom, Julia for allowing me to be his partner.”
We at NCBCRA are so proud of you Rascal! Great job Fran & Julia!!!
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NCBCRA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) committed to rescuing Border Collies in Northern California in order to find them their forever homes.