Available Dogs
😍 🎓 Roisin (fmr Kimber) Success Story Adopted January 5 2020 – for more stories please visit https://norcalbcrescue.org/dogs/success-stories/ 🎓 😍
From Mom Tara:
We adopted Roisin (formally Kimber) January 2020 and she has been a wonderful addition to our family. She loves hiking, taking a dip in a stream or lake, rolling in the snow, and running along on bike rides (on no traffic roads/trails). She is so affectionate!! She is gotten better in meeting new dogs and we are getting a bit better in training her consistently (Dr. Sophia Yin training for reactive dogs). After the first meeting, when she meets friendly dogs again, she is excited to see them and likes to play. She has her favorite dog friends that she likes to encounter on her morning walks in the forest. Many thanks to all those involved in Northern California Border Collie Rescue and Adoption.
Below is a link to a few videos of Roisin enjoying the outdoors.over the year –
We at NCBCRA are so proud of you Roisin! Terrific job Fran and Family!!!
Have an NCBCRA story to share? Email us at info@norcalbcrescue.org
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About Us
NCBCRA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) committed to rescuing Border Collies in Northern California in order to find them their forever homes.