Female, 9 weeks. 10 lbs
Female, 9 weeks. 10 lbs
The Cheer(ful) litter lives up to their name. They are social, fun-loving puppies. All of these 9-week-old puppies are playful and curious. They have been exposed & lived happily with other animals, including dogs & cats, but also lots of farm animals. They all eat their meals in their own crates to help them to learn that a crate is a good place; they have ridden in a crate in a vehicle; & they sleep together in their puppy pen. They are all learning to potty on newspaper in their pen & are just starting to follow the big dogs outside to go potty.
LILITH is the princess of the litter. She has a gorgeous, soft, white & black coat that is a true delight to touch, & it’s a good thing. This little girl loves all kinds of attention, especially snuggling, cuddling, napping next to her foster mom or on her foster mom’s lap. Lilith seems to know that she’s pretty & that the world should be her oyster. That said, she is a benevolent princess & is happy to share attention with her siblings. She also shares her toys nicely. And beauty that she is, Lilith is not afraid to play & get her paws wet & dirty, as long as someone is standing by to clean her up when the fun is over. Lilith is both treat & toy-motivated, but she’s especially attention-motivated. Lilith has shown the most interest of all the puppies in watching the sheep in her foster home. She is silly, loving, gives kisses, & is the best tugger of the group. She could live happily with another dog in the home, but might really prefer to have all of the attention for herself.
LILITH is started on her puppy vaccines, wormed, and microchipped. She is also on flea & tick and heartworm prevention. As a condition of puppy adoption, she will need to be altered when she reaches approximately 6 months (specific time to be determined by your vet). In addition to the adoption fee, puppy adoption requires a $75 spay/neuter deposit. Upon our receiving the spay/neuter certificate from you, the deposit is refunded. If you have an approved Northern California Border Collie Rescue & Adoptions Adoption Application and wish to inquire about LILITH, please email us at If you have an approved adoption application with Border Collie Rescue of Northern California let us know and we will request it be forwarded to us for consideration.
LILITH is being fostered in Live Oak in Sutter County, CA.
Thank you for considering adoption of your next best friend from NCBCRA. Our Border Collies are waiting to join your family.
NCBCRA is always looking for new foster families to provide a lifesaving chance for a Border collie.
NCBCRA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) committed to rescuing Border Collies in Northern California in order to find them their forever homes.
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