Available Dogs
🐕 IN MEMORIAM: Our Gift Valentino AKA Valentine AKA Val AKA Benjamin Buttons🐕
From VALENTINO’s foster dad Lew:
A shelter reached out to us in February of 2019 with a request to take a boy that was in rough shape. Val arrived at the shelter terribly underweight and weak. He was an older boy that needed love and special care. They let us know his name Valentine was logical, as he arrived at the shelter on Valentine’s Day. We could not say no. Despite his physical woes, his fun-loving personality shined through from day one. In short spurts he’d try to keep up with the other dogs, and even enjoyed brief games of fetch. Within a few months he was ready for adoption, and his real saviors came along. His adopters will take it from here.
From VALENTINO’s Mom Charlotte:
Valentino was left at a shelter on February 14th, emaciated at 48 pounds (versus his ideal weight of 70 lbs). His back legs were atrophied, he had severe orthopedic issues, and advanced arthritis, among many other issues. We thought we were likely seeing Val through the last few months of his life, but we were bamboozled! Val became younger right before our eyes. His walks got longer, he got stronger, and much to our amazement, he began galloping and rolling around playing with other dogs. He quickly became a neighborhood celebrity. Val even became ‘Uncle Val’ to our skinny little rescue puppy Oliver (who is now our Betty’s big little brother – fun note, Betty was also adopted from NCBCRA). Val went on many adventures to the ocean, the mountains, and the desert, and was a true connoisseur of pillows and soft blankets. Val remains a testament to the resilient, forgiving nature of dogs and was a reminder to us to slow down and smell…everything. Val was a special guy that left an impression on everyone around him. Val passed August 11th, 2022, and to this day we still receive Val notes and gifts from friends and family remembering and celebrating him. This past Christmas I received a Valentino personalized sweater and a hand painted Valentino Christmas ornament.
Thanks NCBCRA for the sweetest Valentine we could have ever received.