Say hello to our sweet ROSIE girl. ROSIE is a 2yr old, 36lb, female BC mix. She is the mamma dog of the Fluff and Ruff puppies (4 boys) that were recently adopted. She was a great mom to her pups, now it's her turn to find her forever family. ROSIE'S favorite thing is her person. She loves to follow you around the house, and seek out attention. She will gladly settle at your feet while you work, or snuggle on the couch. ROSIE also loves toys, and balls, and is very playful. She gets along well with the other dogs in her foster home, big and small. ROSIE is very cat curious, and while she does not try to hurt the cat in her foster home, she will chase so she needs a cat free home.
ADOPTION PENDING - MUSTARD is a black and white smooth coat border collie mix that weighs in at about 15 pounds. One of four brothers (two adopted), he is methodical in his approach. He wants to get the lay of the land before jumping in, but once he is confident you are good folk, he is all in. MUSTARD then wants all the attention. His happy place may just be out with his people playing and goofing around. Smart and observant, he is beginning to understand the commands “sit” and “crate.” He does well with his siblings and the adult dogs in the house. He mostly ignores our cats. He sometimes takes note of their presence but felines should not present a problem.
Meet BUN! BUN is a tri-colored, smooth coated border collie mix boy about 5 months of age, 26 pounds. One of four brothers (the other three doing very well in their new homes), BUN has really blossomed into a confident young boy. He is a delightful pup who loves nothing more than to hang with his hoomans and / or his doggy friends. His favorite place is on his foster mom’s lap while we are watching TV.
MILLIE is a sweet and spunky 21-pound eight-month-old puppy who will steal your heart. With a beautiful red and white medium coat, MILLIE is a package of adorable fun and energy. She likes toys, but this girl primarily wants to be with you, doing things together and cuddling. She is a fast learner, is treat & people-motivated, loves to run and play, and has a keen curiosity for her environment. She might enjoy dog sports like agility or canine scent work (aka nose work). MILLIE will be willing to do whatever you ask her to do & then snuggle with you afterward.
DOTTIE is officially ready for and eager to find her forever home. Dottie is a loving, gentle girl, 3-years-and-9-month-old and weighing about 50 lbs. She has a black and white rough-coat with gorgeous markings. She is a very kind girl, who is social and well-mannered with all people, even young children. While Dottie does have a soft spot for and more likely to bond with men, she’d also do well with a female adopter. And while we don’t want to dwell on the past, it is important to know that DOTTIE suffered an accident with a cow; as a result, she had to have her back left leg amputated. Happily, that event is behind her now; she has healed completely from her surgery and gets around very well. Everyone loves her at the clinic. When she arrived for her all-is-well exam, it was warm welcomes from everyone. She reciprocated, wagging her tail the whole time and confidently greeting all. She did always keep an eye on her foster mom to make sure she wasn’t being left behind. She is good on a leash for our vet visits, but around the yard she just follows and lays down a lot. Long walks probably would not be her thing.
LEVI is a sweet and lively puppy that will steal your heart. At about 5 months of age and 22 pounds, he is ready to go to his forever home. LEVI is energetic and has a high herding instinct, so be prepared with games, training opportunities, or future dog sports for this boy. After playing and wrestling with his foster buddy, LEVI does have an “off switch” & nap or rest quietly. He would especially love snuggling or hanging out with you. His favorite toys are his stuffies, but he also loves a good chew toy and a Kong filled with peanut butter.
Orion is a tri-colored black, white, and copper smooth coat border collie cross weighing 45 pounds and standing about 21” at the shoulder. He is believed to be about one year old. Orion is a well-balanced boy with brown, inquisitive, and curious eyes. He listens and tilts his head as if to ask what you want, to understand, and to please you however he can.
Say hello to our sweet girl EMMA. She is a 1yr old, 42 lb, rough coat BC. EMMA is a beautiful young girl with a lovely soft coat, and a soft personality to match. Her favorite thing is her person and she will lay her head in your lap while you give her love and attention. Then she will settle on the floor nearby.
Meet POLLY! Two-year-old Polly is just about the cutest thing you will ever see with her gorgeous curls and wiggly butt. She is a big lover in a small body. We’d love to see her add 3 – 5 pounds to her 35 pound frame. POLLY has become a sentimental favorite of her foster family. A great cuddler once she knows you, POLLY will want to be with you as much as possible.
ADOPTED – The Valentine’s Day Girls – MAIRA and Freya Adopted
MAIRA and Freya Adopted With super soft, downy coats, FREYA has lots of lovely ticking on her face and legs, and MAIRI (pronounced May-ra) is classic black and white.
Mama Peach Pie’s Puppies all ADOPTED
Mama Peach Pie's Puppies all ADOPTED. MAMA PEACH PIE, barely more than a teenager, found herself in the family way in a small, rural shelter. The shelter called to tell us about her situation, & they were keen to transfer her to rescue before she delivered her puppies. So, we picked her up the next day. She arrived at her rescue foster home very pregnant & despite her difficult circumstances, as sweet as pie & puppyish. She simply couldn’t have any other name! The Pie puppies were born on December 10th, & at birth revealed their movie star good looks. As soon as their eyes & ears opened for business, we were delighted to see that the pups have also inherited Mama Peach Pie’s sweet & playful disposition, as well as her smarts. They are now excited & ready to find their forever homes.
As her name defines her, “ROWAN” is a “Little Redhead.” a red and white rough-coated border collie weighing a mere 28 pounds and standing about 19” at the shoulder. She is believed to be about one year old. Rowan is a wonderful, well-balanced little girl with brown inquisitive and curious eyes. She listens and thinks as she looks into you. Rowan is also fun, energetic, and very curious. She loves to explore the yard on her own, and mostly stays close to her humans when outside. Rowan is both agile and athletic. She will run and turn on a dime, then stop and look at you, as if to check in.
Meet MISS MOLLY MAGUIRE, a 1.5 - 2 year old, 48 pound border collie girlie with an easy care, medium rough coat, cute spots on her nose, and an always sweet smile for her person. In fact, MOLLY'S favorite thing in life is her person! She will follow you around the house and settle a few feet away or at your feet if you’ll let her. At first MOLLY can be shy with people she doesn’t know, so she needs patient introductions to new people. That said, it doesn’t take MOLLY long to relax, and nothing can dampen her enthusiasm once she gets to know you. She is quick to settle in and adopt her person or persons. She is funny and goofy, and her personality will make you smile & laugh every day.
The Rock Star Girls
THE ROCK STAR GIRLS have all been ADOPTED! They are sweet and lively puppies that will steal your heart. At about 3 ½ months of age, the girls are ready to go to their forever homes. Each puppy is energetic & smart, so be prepared with games, training opportunities, or future dog sports for these dearies. If you give them what they need to work their little brains & bodies, they all have an “off switch” & will be happy snuggling, or hanging out with you. They all have amazingly soft and fluffy coats – it is wonderful to pet them and run your hands through pure softness! The puppies are learning to curb their enthusiasm with the adult BCs in their foster home, and are taking cues to ‘behave’ and ‘don’t jump on me!’ They have had lots of visitors in their foster home, & have been charming to one & all. They don’t yet have a firm grasp of housebreaking, as they’re all still together, providing each other with plenty of distractions. As smart as they are, that should come together once they have one-on-one, consistent direction from you. They sleep all night in their X-pen, love cuddles and want to be with you all the time. The ROCK STAR GIRLS are being fostered in Granite Bay, Placer County, CA.
ADOPTED - Allow me the pleasure of introducing you to a very special member of the NCBCRA family, DODGER. Dodger is approximately two years old and weighs 45 pounds. When Dodger came into the program, it appeared he had never lived inside a home and had no human interaction, and now it has all become 2nd nature to him. DODGER loves human interaction. He quickly approaches new humans. He will give you the biggest grin, position himself adorably on your side, and look deeply into your eyes, asking for love and attention. Once he knows you, Dodger is affectionate and loving. I have to admit it’s the cutest thing!
We are happy to introduce our sweet little orphan ANNIE! She is a 28 pound, 1 year old BC mix. She has an easy-care smooth coat and very pretty sable coloring. She’s a nice small size, long and lean with an adorable curly tail. She still has a few pounds to put on, but she is already full grown. ANNIE loves playing with her foster brother! She wants to play and be part of the pack. She will do well with another young dog who also likes to wrestle and chase, or an older dog that loves to play. She likes to chase cats and would do best in a home without cats. She can be choosey in her taste for treats, but she has learned to sit for a cookie after a bit of practice. Annie is praise-motivated and is very smart, but she will need someone who is patient when training her as she is just learning to learn. Annie is very athletic, often leaping over her foster brother to come inside. She will make a great hiking/running/adventure partner too!